← eces:upgrade-block-api
opened 09:30AM - 19 Aug 24 UTC
## 수정:
- base port 9300 통일 (일부예제 admin config not ready 원인)
- action http에서 …zone 안타는 문제
- log 노출함 (클라우드 request/response 동일)
- code_fields eval 제대로 안되는문제 (array 미지원등)
- code_fields로 Array
- valueFromSelectedRows 케이스 포함
- json 통째로 보내는 방법 지원 (application/json)
- field에 contentType 지정시 해당 타입으로 전송 지원
- block 단위 권한막는기능 추가
## Fixes:
- Unified base port to 9300 (resolved the issue where admin config was not ready in some examples)
- Fixed an issue where actions were not properly routed through zones in HTTP
- Exposed logs (consistent with cloud request/response logs)
- Resolved issue with code_fields evaluation not working properly (e.g., lack of array support)
- Added support for arrays in code_fields
- Included support for the valueFromSelectedRows case
- Added support for sending entire JSON objects (application/json)
- Added support for transmitting specified contentType when defined in fields
- Added a feature to restrict permissions by block